موسسه احیاء و انکشاف افغانستان

Relief Organization for Afghanistan Development


Relief Organization for Afghanistan Development

Relief Organization for Afghanistan Development (ROAD) was registered as a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) at The Ministry of Planning(MOP) of Afghanistan by the Founder, General Director, Deputy director, and general manager dated; 16.12.1997. This organisation was founded for the main purpose of Relief, Growth, and Development of our lovely country Afghanistan. Next to it, our organisation (ROAD) has implemented lots of projects in the field of reconstruction, rehabilitation, relief, education, sanitary, survey, and research in all around the country for the first time by some professionals, technicians, specialists, and engineers.

Our Vision

Relief Organization for Afghanistan Development (ROAD) is endeavoring to help and completely contribute to the growth and development of a quite peaceful, calm, free, and developed Afghanistan on basis of Afghan values, Islamic values, and cultural values. ROAD wants to work and endeavor towards an Afghanistan where there all people of the country live in actual and peaceful situations with Islamic real rights, Human rights, Humanity and with one's own personal and private rights and self-esteem on basis of humanity and human being and existences.

ROAD wants a literate, healthy, and welfare society of communities working together towards the development of Afghanistan.

Our Mission

Relief Organization for Afghanistan Development (ROAD)'s actual mission is:

  • Promoting the lives of people

  • Eradicate the illiteracy

  • Combating with poverty

  • Gender equality and values

  • Violence against women

  • Consideration of both gender's men's and women's rights equally

  • Humanity

  • Help with vulnerable and deserving children

  • Help with Street vendors

  • Contributes to the development of peaceful, self-reliable Afghan society and community.

  • Help poor peoples

Our Managements

This is also worth mentioning that we have over 25 implemented our projects in education and training fields, vocational training, health care, agricultural and livestock.

Office Management

ROAD has planned and designed a quite professional and standard and technical office management for running, handling, and managing its related work affairs and assigned tasks and for regulating each work item and sector. And our office works timing is started from 8:00 AM and finishes at 4:00 PM every day, except Fridays.

  • Also the main works of office manager are illustrated in below:

  • Holiday Request Form and Application Form

  • Salary Grade and Increase Form

  • Appreciation and Admiral Letters

  • Appraisal Letters and Promotion

  • Personnel and Staff Management

  • Employment Bonuses and Appreciations

Human Resources Management

ROAD HR Management section is handled as per previous and former staffing plans and on basis of office management, indeed. At this section of our NGO, we have planned and considered quite proper and regular office management into which and where there we have created a well-organized and regular Human Resources Management Department.

Thus, we plan the structure of our management, make our organizational chart first and then we take a step for hiring and employment of our key personnel and staff. Firstly, we prefer and consider our vacancy announcement, job employment services department, job facilities, proper recruitment rules and regulations, and then we divide and provide a regular and legal as well as professional procedures management program.

Training Management

We, as a non-political, non-profit and non-governmental organization NGO plan and harness our education and training management on basis of quite proper and regular training management in which time management is also included. However, we first prepare our training management plan and program for our own newly hired and employed personnel and staff, and then we provide it to our customers, clients, and beneficiaries as training outlines and programs, as a whole.

Financial Resources

The finance resources of our NGO is the main sect and management part of our Finance section and we also sometimes prefer to harness and provide our Finance section on basis of the Financial Management Program, indeed. Financial Management and or Cash Management Systems and Programs is a very important and essential part of our NGO and it is performed and executed as per a quite professional and standard transparent system of finance management. At this section of our NGO, we have hired and employed a Financial Manager and one Finance Assistant.

Our Services

ROAD main services include Education & Training, Health, Agricultural & Livestock, and Social Services. Also, ROAD prepares Humanitarian help. Our organization's services are illustrated below:


Creation of literacy courses, tailoring, carpentry, metalwork, weaving, carpet weaving, painting and plastering, PVC part, plumbing, electric wiring, preparation of… Read more


Establishment of health clinics, health education, prevention of contagious and fatal diseases, provision of clean drinking water, implementation of vaccinations… Read More


Such as gardens, seedlings, preparation of modified seed eggs, beekeeping projects (Honey bee), animal husbandry, forestry, breeding of fish farms… Read more


Counseling and educational services for women and men, development of human rights of women and men especially children, economic and social development… Read More


Feel free to contact us with any questions.

+93(0) 788 99 6285 / +93 (0) 783631030